At this time aku still dapat bayang kan indah nya bumi New Zealand..cantik nyer bumi ciptaan ALLAH..tak tergambar rasa nya ngan kata2..yg pasti kalu ke sana confirm2 gambar will be beribu2 snap.(^_^) ..tambah2 if u pegi with dslr camera..sure lg byk pic yg kan korang abadikan..aku g with only my canon compact camera pun beribu2 lemon gmbr ku snap..hahaha..gambar suci sume, xde edit2..hihihi..
ok start citer dari tarikh depart 28/10/2011..flite kami pagi kul 8.40am from LCCT direct to Christchurch International Aiport. Perjalanan mengambil masa lebih kurang 10jam.. We expected to arrive dlm kul 11.50pm waktu NZ..huhu..smp tgh mlm tue..x penah dibuat aku..tapi tue arr mmg gua tawakal jer..
So, pagi hari nk g tue aku gerak awal dari rumah. around kul 5.00am. Adikku ku yg hantar to airport.. thanks bro..Nena & Za naik bus dari Putrajaya Central. we meet up around 6.30am. earlier aku dh wat web check in so, just drp by luggage shj. Total luggage kami was 32kg..beg makanan jer 14kg..hahaha.byk ko kami bw makanan..sume sbb nk jimat g under budget..hahaha.
Check in sume settle & we all berlepas as scheduled.. after long hours flite almost 10jam tue..akhirnya kami selamat smp at Christchurch around 11.30pm. Pas dh settled with immigration, we all proceed with custom declaration..sbb nk declare food yg kita bawa..aku mmg dh2 siap2 kan listing sume brg mkn yg kami bawa..bior senang koje nnt..just list kan item yg korang bawa & brands apa..tunjuk jer kat, xdelar nnt dorang nk punggah buka sume nk tgk apa yg kita bawa..cepat pun cepat nnt selesai..tulis tangan pun xpe, janji nnt cepat keje dorang & kita pun senang..
Settled sume, call up Mr. Cameron from Shoestring Car Rental..a small car rental company in NZ. Dapat contact nie pun from one travel blog yg kami baca..Kami sewa family wagoon car.. yg nie mmg aku xdpt nk cancel or cari keta kecik coz dh last minute inform, terpaksa gak lar amik. So, jmp Mr. Cameron which is the owner of the co..dia akan hantar keta tue kat airport terus x kira lar bila korang smp..bole make arrangement ngan dorang. Our car is Subaru legacy..luas gak ler bagi kami yg tiga org nie..if berempat this car is just nice..:) Kami rental this car for 9 days plus the GPS was NZ657..btw, its easier to explore south island of NZ with a car..:))
Around 12.30am we all gerak to hotel dgn bantuan GPS..fuhhh first time gua pakai GPS..belasah jer..nasib smp..hihihi. First 2 days in christchurch kami stay at Azena Motel. Masa booked mmg dh inform kitorang akan smp lewat, so owner dh mmg tinggal kan kunci kat bilek kami..
Nice hotel agak mahal gak lar. NZ140 pernite for our room, triple bed fully with kitchen+washing machine pun ader..hahaha. dah rasa cam kat umah jer..& location pun strategic..
Rehat jap mkn maggi & hot chocholate..refresh & then tido..need to have a good rest coz esok nk explore christchurch..:))
perghhhh... bestnye bestnye...
ReplyDeletegood entry An!!!
letak gambar banyak2 kasi saya jeles tahap maksima yer..!! :)